What is the future of the drone industry?

DRONES WILL GROW AND GET STRONGER Long ago, it was predicted that they would revolutionize cargo delivery. In theory, models capable of carrying a large payload should become a more efficient alternative to light transport vehicles and helicopters that serve hard-to-reach areas. In the future, drones will transport supplies to remote or inaccessible areas. They will deliver medical supplies and vaccines to remote, dangerous and inaccessible places, as well as to places affected by war or contagious diseases.

Sophisticated drones could soon perform everyday tasks, such as fertilizing farmfields in an automated way, monitoring traffic incidents, inspecting hard-to-reach places, or even delivering pizzas. While companies are the fastest-growing drone market, cheaper drones are also becoming increasingly popular for recreational use. Drones also allow industries in the oil sector, with 26% of gas, to carry out drone inspections and collect much of the required information quickly and at a reduced cost, while greatly reducing the risks associated with cable access, swings and scaffolding. Kimchi, executive of Amazon's Prime Air drone project, highlighted his eagerness to launch his drones to the market, but believes that the guidelines required by the FAA will be in force “in much less than 10 years, a period that some have predicted”.

Many B2B company executives are quick to rule out that drones aren't necessarily crucial or beneficial to their bottom line. However, business executives, aware of technological trends and updates, realize the myriad benefits that drones could offer by integrating technology into their operations. Now, drone manufacturers and technology providers are doing everything they can to capitalize on this and turn drones into a full-fledged industry. The commercial use of drones is gaining momentum and has become the topic of conversation of the moment, as multiple industries work with drones as part of their daily business functions.

Not long ago, a major drone manufacturer was commenting on their type certification process and they were excited because they thought that, once they got through it, they would see their drone fly everywhere. Drone technology is constantly evolving, so the drone technology of the future is currently in the process of progressive and innovative improvement. Drones have rapidly invested in tools for tech giants and retailers such as Amazon, Facebook, Wal-Mart and Google, not to mention diverse industries, such as real estate, police and fire departments, agriculture, film, construction and photography, that will benefit greatly from the commercial use of drones. As sales of civil drones increase, the safety issues surrounding them between regulators and law enforcement agencies also tend to increase, as in the past there were collisions of drones with airplanes and crashes against crowded stadiums.

Now, small, medium and large companies can afford to rent drones for their business needs and stay competitive by incorporating a completely new and technology-like use of drones. In addition, increasing competition among drone providers is reducing the costs of these types of consumer drones, especially among high-end models that can take photos and stream live videos. The drone has a mechanism at the bottom, known as an insect remover, which allows the drone to destroy the insect manually and, therefore, eliminate the use of pesticides. And considering that most farmers and agricultural companies that use drones are farms owned by large companies that manage thousands of acres of land, the growth potential of drones in agriculture is enormous.

Intelligent drones with integrated protection and compliance technology, intelligent and accurate sensors and self-control are the next major revolution in drone technology that would offer new opportunities in the transportation, military, logistics and trade sectors...