Ensuring Accurate and Up-to-Date Data from Drone Surveys

The floor control configuration involves measuring the points that are seen in a photo with very precise equipment. This measurement then allows the photo to be properly adjusted to match the specified coordinates. This process is usually completed with a GPS system for surveys. Start by collecting the coordinates of each terrain control point by determining the X, Y and Z axes.

The geographical location of the project will be corrected once the data is entered into the processing software, which will provide absolute accuracy. Objects both outside and inside the project now have a precision of each other, in addition to an appropriate scale of the project. This provides a 3D representation of the project, which can also be used to measure areas within the image. In recent years, ground tracking with drones has become a popular method for flying drones in mountainous areas.

Following the terrain means that the drone can fly safely and also collect high-quality data. This can be useful for cartographic missions with the ultimate objective of producing a highly accurate orthomosaic map of the area. It can also be very useful for magnetic topography missions in which the ultimate objective is to study the magnetic signature of an area for mining exploration applications. Now make sure your takeoff (and landing) location is level and free of obstructions, make the final adjustments and start your flight.

Your drone will automatically collect data according to your flight path and parameters. Maintain eye contact with your drone and ensure that it progresses through each segment of your networked flight as planned. Next, we will take an in-depth look at how drone topography works and explain concepts such as photogrammetry, point clouds, orthophotographs and ground control. In traditional drone topography, a sufficient number of known points are needed to verify and fix drone images to the ground.

Accuracy is paramount when it comes to drone surveying operations, so it's essential that your supplier understands why ground control is so important. Drones are cheaper and easier to use than traditional surveying equipment, so there's no need to spend tens of thousands of dollars on hardware or have special training or education to capture site data. Drone technology has revolutionized how heavy civil and earthmoving industries inspect their worksites. The mission software then reads this elevation information to create a flight path for the drone that follows the terrain, ensuring safety and high-quality data collection.

The drones used for topography are equipped with integrated cameras that take pictures of the ground from different points in the air. Periodic drone inspections also help teams better anticipate and detect workplace hazards, improving overall site safety. Drone topography allows site supervisors and superintendents to receive updated maps with accurate specifications approximately one day after requesting them, contributing to better decision-making and, ultimately, reducing work. The up-to-date data quickly provided by drone topography helps ensure that construction companies can deliver their projects on time and on budget. Drone topography provides mine operators with highly accurate maps and measurements of their mining sites.

In mining, drone topography is most commonly used to measure and record the volumes of reserves, which are important assets. Drone topography allows civil construction works to be mapped and measured with great precision, reducing the need for manual surveys, which are more expensive and time consuming. In addition, with the right processing platform, such as Propeller, you can get the data you need from every drone flight and ensure that you are compensated for the work you do, thus obtaining a significant return on your investment in a drone program.