Unlocking the Potential of Drone Surveying Data for Earthmoving Companies

With the advent of drone technology, surveyors have been able to capture more topographic data points and make more accurate volume measurements in a much safer way than ever before. Drone mapping is a process of collecting aerial data using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and includes orthophotography, drone photogrammetry, Lidar scanning, and other types of data collection. It is a broad term that covers a lot of things. Propeller offers the ability to superimpose design files in PDF on top of drone surveys within the Platform, making it easier to visualize the work that needs to be done on a site and track progress.

As more and more drones take to the skies to survey land, map neighborhoods, assess crops and monitor traffic, they generate enormous amounts of data. This data can then be processed and visualized on an interactive 3D map to track progress, measure volume, and improve team collaboration.

Drone surveying

platforms can generate a variety of exportable data that earthmoving companies use to manage their projects. With easy-to-use, cloud-based mapping and measurement solutions for earthmoving sites, such as the Propeller Platform, earthmoving and civil construction professionals can estimate, plan and manage their projects with greater accuracy. Contractors can generate personalized surveys based on the data from their drones processed with a software solution such as Propeller. Let's take a closer look at what drone topography really is and how point clouds and photogrammetry fit into the mix.

Drones are capable of storing radio signals, soil moisture, emissions from factories and geodetic data, including precision measurements for terrestrial studies. Propeller's drone topography software solution provides earthmoving project managers with features such as 3D images of the work site with drones to demonstrate that their work is complete and identify site conditions and reduce hazardous risks. Earthmoving professionals can use drone surveying data for a variety of purposes. They can use it to estimate project costs, plan operations, track progress, measure volume, improve team collaboration, identify site conditions and reduce hazardous risks. Companies can export data from drone surveying software such as Propeller for use elsewhere in their workflow. As the technological barrier disappears and digitization and mapping for topographic purposes become more accessible with drone cameras, earthmoving companies are increasingly able to gain information on the progress of their work sites.

By combining aerial imagery with integrated GPS using photogrammetry, drone studies create a “digital impression” of a living workplace which can be measured and updated over time as the site changes.